
Things I'll do in America

The beach towns I went to this weekend:

St. Brieuc: was great! I hung out with my friends Tra and Benedict and Tra's friend. We went to the beach, but we had to walk sooo far to see the ocean and then as soon as we reached it we had to turn back because the tide started coming in! And also we got rained on a few times, but that's life in Bretagne.

Dinard: Was good. It was sunnier for the first day but still a little chilly. It was beautiful though!

I came home a day early because Kelsey was sick and Tra needed to come home to see her parents, but I got to meet my host mom's daughter and her husband, who stayed in my room, so 1 night I stayed in Aurelien's room because he isn't there on the weekends and 2 nights I slept at the neighbor's house. It wasn't too bad, but I was upset about it for a while because I was already stressed about exams. The neighbor's were nice though and everything worked out.

Yesterday I took two of my 3 difficult exams and I think they went well. For one of them I had to write a paper in 4 hours, that was no fun but I think I did pretty well.

Also I got a really great grade in my oral expression class! I was really happy!

Anyway yesterday we had a meeting where we talked about what it will be like to go back home and what reverse culture shock is.

I'm not too worried about reverse culture shock now, but it did get me thinking about a few things I want to do once I get back to America, plus a few things I want to do before I leave France.

Before leaving France:

-Eat escargots
-Take a bike ride around Rennes
-Buy some new shoes

When I get back to America:

-Get a job
-Become un-addicted to caffeine (or at least get down to only 1 cup of coffee a day)
-Exercise DAILY
-Eat normal food, 70-80% veggies and fruits every day
-Go to the thrift store (Oh how I've missed thrift stores...)
         -to buy clothes
         -to buy things for my apartment next year
         -to buy things to decorate my room
-Get a haircut (these split ends drive me nuts)
-Go camping
-Start an herb garden
-Have a French style lunch one Sunday/month
-Ride my bike all over the place
-Volunteer at a bike repair place I know about, volunteer somewhere with kids, maybe at an art community center, and maybe at a retirement home
-Seek out the French-speaking community in Pittsburgh (there HAS to be one)
-Spend lots of time with all of my friends, newer and older
-Try to relearn the small bit of ukulele that I taught myself last year
-Get myself a new wardrobe (preferably thrifted), some new shoes, and some nice pairs of pants

And many other things, I think, but I'll write those later because I can't really remember them right now.

1 comment:

  1. This might be a good time to remind you that you kinda promised me a souvenir.
    Buona giornata!
