
Florence : Hard on your wallet...your new, soft leather wallet...

So today's been a long day, somehow. I don't know what I did to tire myself out so much but I am EXHAUSTED.

I got up before 10, that's part of it.

I only had a Coke Light for my caffeine fix, that's another part of it.

I've been eating less than I did in France, that's yet another aspect.

And I walk for hours on end. So I guess that'll add up to back pain and exhaustion.

Anyway, today I didn't do that much except food related things.

I finally found the market and got a panino lampredetto...that's something that is completely original to Florence but if you want one, you just have to be adventurous. It's tripe...

Actually, it was pretty good! I got it from a famous place (and managed to get an evil stare from an Italian for not knowing what he was asking me, but oh well...it's part of the deal) in the Market and sat outside to eat it.

There were, however, parts that I couldn't stomach.

Pun intended.

But seriously, these bits that I pulled out were just too chewy. Sometimes, like with sushi, I can force myself past a texture and enjoy it. But those strips were too big and I just kept thinking, "Stop thinking about what it is, just don't eat it..." and by the end of my sandwich I had completely lost any desire I had to eat it in the first place. Luckily, because it was small and didn't take long to eat. I hate wasting things...

But before I went to the market, I bought this purse and spotted these shoes! Green wasn't my first choice, but I wanted them SO badly that I wasn't willing to lose the 35 euro price. I wanted tan, but green works well enough for me. I also bought some souvenirs for other people at the leather market, but I won't say for whom!

After that, I went back to my hostel room and reorganized my suitcase and did other things, although I don't remember what.

After a while, I decided it was time to head out again to walk around and grab some food. I did some research and decided today would be the day I went to the best sandwich shop in Florence, as well as the best gelateria. 

And let me tell you, the sandwich shop was incredible. 

There it is, people. I went in and had no idea what to get so I waited for the lady in front of me to order. As it turned out, she was American. The sandwiches were HUGE so she asked me if I wanted to split with her, and then she didn't let me pay! I also got a glass of the house wine for 2 euro :) INCREDIBLE DEALS, PEOPLE. Don't expect these prices in France.

This has eggplant and artichoke paste and some sort of meat and mmmm it was good. I will be going back 1 or 2 more times before I leave, that's for sure.

Afterwards, we headed to the gelateria together. It's called Vivoli. It was pretty good, but I wasn't overly impressed like I was expecting. Like, I was expecting to have gelato so good that I would almost die from happiness...

Maybe I just need to lower my expectations.

I got pistachio flavor and orange chocolate. When I was in Rome with Hope in February, I discovered my LOVE for the combination of orange and chocolate. At the gelateria she took us, I had the most delicious gelato that had chunks of candied orange in it and it was just so good...that's what I was expecting. But hey, the gelato was good enough and normal colored, what more can you ask for?

Afterwards I walked around more : Ponte Vecchio, yet again...

And a random hotel that made me miss France :(

A view from another bridge, further out of the center of town:

Andddd now I'm back at the hostel. But I just remembered what I did earlier during my little break!

I did laundry. In the hostel sink. Using bodywash. Don't judge me, people. I'm at the intersection of poor and lazy. I do have to say that I'm somewhat proud of that decision, I feel like it's a right of passage or something.

Anyway, I'm gonna go do random nothings now until it's a socially acceptable time to go to bed!

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