
Rennes is in bloom!

After vacation I was pretty excited to get back to Rennes, especially because I knew that the weather was better here than it had been anywhere we had been except Amsterdam.

These are just some pictures I've taken around town when something looks nice :)

I took this while I was laying in the grass with my friend Tra between classes!

And I took this one on my walk home from the metro stop. The entire town smells like blooming flowers, it's unlike anything I've ever experienced before! A lot of it is thanks to these purple ones. You can smell them from so far away and they're all over the place! It's really quite nice.

Going back to school wasn't easy, mostly because I still hate CIREFE even though I know that I'm learning things. It's just the way that I'm learning them that I don't really like.

In other news, I have off from today (Wednesday) to Sunday because of these little things called "jours fériés" which means that basically all of France shuts down for a little break. These ones are religious holidays that nobody celebrates anymore. But hey, they've gotta get their 6 weeks of break in somehow right?

Honestly it's still quite bizarre for me that they have so much vacation and that literally everything shuts down, even grocery stores. In America, as you know, some stores are only closed for like Christmas day. 

Luckily the movie theater is still open so today Kelsey and I are going to see L'écume des jours. I'm really excited to see it because it's a surrealist film with Audrey Tatou and Omar Sy, some pretty famous French actors who I know I like.

Plus tomorrow-Sunday I'm supposed to be in beach towns, even though the high is only 60, but that should be really fun. Hoping it all works out.

I've been feeling slightly more homesick recently because my friends are going to be heading back to the USA in 2 weeks so I just keep thinking about going home, even though I'm not leaving for another 5. Thank goodness I'll get to see my pap and his family, I'm really excited.

On a related note, I decided what I'm going to do from May 25 (Rennes end date) to May 31 (meeting them in Venice). I'm going to go to Florence! I've bought all of my tickets so now all I have to do is book my hostel for Florence as well as for the one night that I'm spending in Paris on June 12 before my flight leaves on the 13th.

Now that I think about it, I'm sure the time will fly. Then I get to come home and see everyone! But I also get to come home and get a job...so that'll be rough...

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