
Spring Break Itinerary

I actually decided that the last entry was good enough to describe our trip to the Loire Valley. If you want to see more pictures, you can look on facebook :P (aka I got too busy/lazy to bother writing another entry)

I haven't written too much lately because I've been busy and because, really, I don't have much to say. I've been doing school work, getting ready for spring break, and that's about it. The weather has been a lot nicer, especially yesterday morning. Here's another view from my bus stop:

But in the afternoon it rained a little. Upside, I saw a rainbow!

Tomorrow marks the first day of spring break so I'm going to post my schedule.

Kelsey, Amanda and I will be going to:

Amsterdam: April 20 - April 24
Berlin: April 24 - April 28
Prague: April 28 - May 1
Zurich: May 2 - May 4

I'm not 100% sure if those are the exact dates, but they're pretty close to that. Two weeks of traveling all around Europe, it's kind of awesome. Our hostels will have wifi so I'll probably be posting pictures at the end of each day. Keep an eye out for them!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4/19/2013

    AHh your spring break looks super awesome! I'm so excited for you haha :)
