
Da Vinci? Nbd.

This weekend we went on an excursion to see the castles in the Loire Valley.

It was a pretty good weekend, if only for the fact that spring has FINALLY sprung.

Or rather, spring decided that it was never going to come and summer burst onto the scene with little to no warning. But hey, I'm not complaining.

I didn't take that many pictures because as you know (if you're friends with me on facebook) Tanya has a good camera so I just don't waste my time taking pictures when she's around.

I do have a few though and I'll put those up to give you a brief recap of the weekend:

A lot of wine...this region is known for it.

A lot of food. 

4 beautiful castles and the sun that finally came out! (and a little bit of sunburn)

And last but surely not least, Leonardo da Vinci's tomb. No big deal.

One weird thing that happened: last night I didn't sleep very well because I kept having bad dreams. One of them was about the end of the program and for some reason (I don't remember exactly why) I was hysterically crying. I think it was because I didn't get the chance to say goodbye to my host mom.

But as you can tell, the fact that my program ends in less than 6 weeks is majorly depressing me. (On the other hand, I only have 3 more weeks of what I call "school" here, so that's nice...)

Also, the French countryside is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. Sometime I'll try to take pictures, it's just hard to do while you're on a bus/high speed train. If I can't get pictures, I'll dedicate a whole blog to describing it because it's worth the effort.

And on that note, I'm gonna go try to get some sleep.

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